What topics, like types of synthesis and parameters, does Syntorial cover?

Written By Joe Hanley (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

The free demo comes with Syntorial’s fully featured synth so you can try it out and get familiar with its full capabilities.

To check out the synth, open Syntorial, and then:

  • Mac/PC: In the Options menu, select “Launch Standalone Synth”
  • iPad: Tap the Menu button at the top left, and select “Launch Synth”

What types of synthesis does Syntorial cover?

  • Subtractive Synthesis: The primary focus of Syntorial's Essential lessons is Subtractive Synthesis. This type of synthesis has been around since the beginning and is still incredibly popular today.
  • Wavetable Synthesis: Another form of synthesis that expands on the Subtractive model and has grown in popularity in recent years. Syntorial goes deep into Wavetable Synthesis via the included Serum Lesson Pack .
  • FM Synthesis: Syntorial integrates simple FM functionality into the Oscillators, allowing for an entire section dedicated to introducing you to FM Synthesis.

And what specific synth parameters are part of Syntorial's synth?

  • Three Oscillators (Two with Waveform, Pitch, Pulse Width, and Mix controls, and a Sub oscillator with Waveform and Volume controls)
  • FM knob
  • White Noise
  • Oscillator Sync
  • Filter (Low, Band and High Pass) with Resonance and Key Tracking
  • ADSR Filter Envelope
  • ADSR Amp Envelope
  • AD Modulation Envelope
  • LFO with four waveforms, seven destinations, rate, amount, trigger, and mono/poly modes
  • Mono and Poly Voice Modes
  • Portamento
  • Unison with Voice, Detune and Spread controls
  • Ring Modulation
  • Distortion, Chorus, Phaser, Delay, and Reverb effects
  • Mod Wheel, Pitch Wheel and Velocity controls



Table Of Contents

  1. Your Basic Sound
    Saw and Pulse Waveforms
    Pulse Width
    Quiz 1
    On Your Own 1 (how to apply what you’ve learned to other synths)
  2. Brightness
    Low Pass Filter
    Cutoff and Main Volume
    Quiz 2
    Group 1 (recreate patches utilizing all controls learned so far)
    Quiz 3
    On Your Own 2
  3. Volume, Press and Release
    Amp Envelope Attack
    Amp Envelope Release
    Quiz 4
    Group 2
    On Your Own 3
  4. Expanding Your Basic Sound
    Doubling and Transposing (Part 1)
    Doubling and Transposing (Part 2)
    Doubling and Transposing (Part 3)
    Quiz 5
    Group 3
    Quiz 6
    On Your Own 4
  5. Brightness, Press and Release
    Filter Envelope
    Filter Envelope Attack
    Filter Envelope Release
    Filter Envelope Attack and Release
    Quiz 7
    Filter and Amp Envelopes
    Quiz 8
    Group 4
    On Your Own 5
  6. Echos
    Delay Time
    Delay Feedback
    Delay Spread
    Quiz 9
    Group 5
    On Your Own 6
  7. Changing Volume While Holding
    Amp Envelope Sustain
    Amp Envelope Decay
    Quiz 10
    Full Amp Envelope
    Group 6
    On Your Own 7
  8. Smearing and Pulsating
    Doubling and Detuning (Part 1)
    Doubling and Detuning (Part 2)
    Doubling and Detuning (Part 3)
    Quiz 11
    Group 7
    Quiz 12
    On Your Own 8
  9. Changing Brightness While Holding
    Filter Envelope Decay and Sustain
    Quiz 13
    Full Filter Envelope
    Filter and Amp Envelopes
    Group 8
    On Your Own 9
  10. Bottom End
    Sub Oscillator (Part 1)
    Sub Oscillator (Part 2)
    Sub Oscillator (Part 3)
    Sub Oscillator (Part 4)
    Quiz 14
    Group 9
    Quiz 15
    On Your Own 10
  11. Repeating Movement
    LFO Destination
    LFO Amount
    LFO Waveform
    LFO Rate
    Quiz 16
    Group 10
    On Your Own 11
  12. Point
    Filter Resonance
    Filter Resonance and Envelope
    Filter Resonance and LFO
    Quiz 17
    Group 11
    On Your Own 12
  13. So Many Notes!
    Mono and Poly Voice Modes
    Poly Mode and Amp Release
    Quiz 18
    Group 12
    On Your Own 13
  14. Bigger Is Better
    Unison Detune
    Unison Spread
    Unison and Multiple Oscillators
    Quiz 19
    Group 13
    On Your Own 14
  15. Putting Your Sound in a Room
    Reverb Size
    Reverb Mix and Size
    Group 14
    Quiz 20
    On Your Own 15
  16. Smooth and Connected
    Legato Voice Mode
    Portamento and Legato Mode
    Quiz 21
    Group 15
    On Your Own 16
  17. Expanding Your Palete
    Triangle Waveform
    Mixing the Triangle Waveform
    Quiz 22
    Triangle and Filter Cutoff
    Group 16
    On Your Own 17
  18. Smearing, Pulsating and Widening
    Chorus Rate
    Group 17
    Types of Pulsation
    Quiz 23
    On Your Own 18
  19. Changing Pitch Over Time
    Mod Envelope
    Mod Envelope Amount
    Group 18
    Quiz 24
    On Your Own 19
  20. Grinding Your Sound
    Oscillator Sync
    Oscillator Sync and Mod Envelope
    Oscillator Sync and LFO
    Quiz 25
    Group 19
    On Your Own 20
  21. Cutting Lows and Highs
    High Pass Filter
    Band Pass Filter
    All Filter Types
    Filter Types and Resonance
    Quiz 26
    Group 20
    On Your Own 21
  22. Making Your Sound Metallic
    FM Tuning
    FM Amount and Tuning
    FM and Mod Envelope
    Quiz 27
    Group 21
    On Your Own 22
  23. Noise
    Layering Noise
    Quiz 28
    Group 22
    On Your Own 23
  24. Highs and Lows Over Time
    High Pass Filter Envelope
    Band Pass Filter Envelope
    All Filter Envelope Types
    Quiz 29
    Group 23
    On Your Own 24
  25. Dirtying Up Your Sound
    Distortion and Oscillators
    Quiz 30
    Distortion and Filter Envelope
    Group 24
    On Your Own 25
  26. A Different Kind of Metallic
    Ring Mod
    Ring Mod and Waveforms
    Quiz 31
    Group 25
    Quiz 32
    On Your Own 26
  27. Trippy Swirl
    Phaser Mix
    Phaser Feedback
    Phaser Mix and Feedback
    Quiz 33
    Group 26
    On Your Own 27
  28. Repeating with More Control
    LFO Trigger
    LFO in Poly Mode
    Quiz 34
    Group 27
    On Your Own 28
  29. The Mod Wheel
    Mod Wheel and Cutoff
    Mod Wheel and Resonance
    Mod Wheel and LFO Amount
    Mod Wheel and LFO Rate
    Quiz 35
    Group 28
    On Your Own 29
  30. Balancing Brightness
    Key Tracking
    Key Tracking and Filter Type
    Key Tracking and Self-Oscillation
    Quiz 36
    Group 29
    On Your Own 30
  31. How Hard You Hit The Key
    Velocity and Volume
    Velocity and Cutoff
    Velocity and Filter Envelope
    Quiz 37
    Group 30
    On Your Own 31
  32. The Pitch Wheel
    Pitch Bend Range
    Group 31
    On Your Own 32
  33. Final Challenges
    Final Challenge 1
    Final Challenge 2
    Final Challenge 3
    Final Challenge 4
    On Your Own 33