I'm getting a "Reset file is missing" error message in Syntorial during the "LFO In Poly Mode" lesson

Written By Joe Hanley (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

  • Close Syntorial
  • Download this: https://syntorial.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/Misc/Reset.zip
  • Unzip it to reveal a "Reset" file
  • Move it to
    • Mac: /Library/Application Support/Syntorial/Challenges/The Essentials/28 Repeating With More Control/02 LFO in Poly Mode/Presets/
    • Windows: C:/Program Files (x86)/Syntorial/Resources/Challenges/The Essentials/28 Repeating With More Control/02 LFO in Poly Mode/Presets/
  • Restart Syntorial and try again