I purchased Syntorial V1 on the iPad App Store. How do I upgrade to Syntorial 2.0 with the discounted upgrade fee?

Written By Joe Hanley (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

  1. Download both V1 and V2 on your iPad.
  2. Make sure V1 is updated to the latest version on your iPad (1.7.000 or later).
  3. Open V1. If you see an "Upgrade" button at the top, tap it, then tap Restore to regain full access.
  4. Go into the Menu at the top left, scroll down and select "Send Discount to V2"
  5. Open V2, tap the Upgrade button at the top, and you should see the discounted upgrade price.

NOTE: If you don't have the latest version of V1 installed on your iPad, and are unable to download it from the App Store, reach out to us via the Contact Us button at the top of this page.