Do you offer a Syntorial volume license for schools? How does it work? Is there a discount?

Written By Joe Hanley (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

By purchasing a volume license you'll be able to install and authorize Syntorial on multiple computers in the classroom. Authorization will be tied to one single account (usually the teacher or other school admin), so you'll be able to authorize each computer with the same email and serial number.

The number of seats is based on the number of computers you need Syntorial installed on. For example, 10 computers requires a 10-seat volume license. Each computer can have an unlimited number of users. And if you store each user's progress on a shared external drive or a cloud service (like Google Drive, or Dropbox) students can switch computers anytime and pick up from where they left off.

Schools and other volume purchasers are eligible for a discount. Please use the “Contact Support” button at the top of this page to learn more.